W Alan Smith, Timekeeper
It is with great sadness that we have to report that well known and highly respected MSA Timekeeper W.Alan Smith, passed away in the early hours of Tuesday morning, 13th February. He had been suffering ill health for some time and late last year had announced he would be retireing at the end of 2017.
There’s no doubt that he will be greatly missed by his many motorsport colleagues and competitors.
His funeral will be held at 12.00 on Wednesday 7th March, at Lancaster & Morecambe Crematorium, Powder House Lane, Lancaster LA2 6AD
Many will know Alan from his days as timekeeper at Aintree, 3 Sisters, Barbon and many other venues.
What is less widely known is the incredible number of equestrian events, marathons etc that he also timed until a few years ago.
In the early days of his motorsport “career” he was also a competitor although on two wheels, not four.
He took FTD on his 350 Matchless at the first ever Barbon Hillclimb back in 1950, a joint car and bike meeting.
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Alan was a legend. It is men like him, just like Frank Whittle, Keith Duckworth, that set him apart from the rest of us ( well just go google them). He lived near me, just down the road in Scorton. What a guy. This man figured out how to time an event across water, an in definable path, to the satisfaction of the infamous Swiss time keepers. A consummate professional, he once told me about how he won the Barbon hill climb on that motorcycle. A very clever bloke. No trickery, just good science and some guts. My condolences to his widow*. The world needs more humble, clever people like Alan. God now has some one to whom he can entrust time, from the moment you enter, to the moment you leave.
* Unfortunately, Alan’s wife died before him, but I’m sure his family will be encouraged by your kind words Richard. (JH)
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